Deeper community insights begin here

Populus brings together thousands of data points, from sources you know and trust, into a single location.

We find and analyse data about your community - its people, environment, economy and place - so you have the evidence you need, when you need it.

We find the data, analyse it, map it and keep it up to date.

We help you make sense of it by making it comparable, easy to understand and simple to share.

The Populus App has data available for every Local Government Area in Australia. Populus makes it simple to:

  • understand statistics using our simple charts, rather than spreadsheets.

  • see data sets mapped at local government areas (LGAs) and suburbs* (SA2s).

  • track change over time and compare your performance to similar places.

  • see whether your area is leading or lagging/above or below average compared to other places.

  • have the most up-to-date data, always.

  • create data collections to monitor over time and share your findings with others.

    *where published.

Populus data analyses and presents statistics from more than forty trusted public sources and commercial providers.

Australia’s data, all in one place.

Data that dives deeper

Understand what makes your local residents tick!

Populus includes unique sociographic profiling to help identify the attitudes and preferences of people in your community so you can more effectively communicate with and engage them.

Populus’ custom profiles identify the predominant profile of people within a local government area - identifying the predominant attitudes, values, outlooks and decision-making processes at a neighbourhood or SA1 level.

What are Sociographics?

Sociographic profiling was developed by adapting models and research used in psychology, neuroscience, market segmentation, economics, training, learning, and personality-typing.

Sectors including education, health, marketing and communications consider sociographic information to be critical when developing communications, and designing engagement processes, programs and projects.

Using an algorithm developed by Dr Colin Benjamin OAM, Populus creates custom sociographic profiles for our members by analysing a range of inputs which determine people's appetite for choice, change, risk and uncertainty.

Sociographic profiles are a game changer for any organisation who wants to communicate with and engage local audiences, residents and ratepayers more successfully.